Lissie’s Story
My name is Lissie Poyner. My T1D story started when I was 19 years old during my second semester of college. I didn’t know any of the symptoms of Type One, but I knew that my body was changing and it was happening quick. On February 17th, 2014 I heard the words “manageable but chronic” for the first time. At first, living life with diabetes was unimaginable. Pricking my finger, testing my blood, and putting a needle in my body? No thank you. My diagnosis changed my life in more ways than I could have imagined, but what I didn’t expect was that it would change it for the better. My diagnosis connected me with an incredible network of support and an abundance of unforgettable opportunities. It made me compassionate and understanding for those with any invisible illness. Since I was diagnosed I’ve been involved in the College Diabetes Network as an intern and a Chapter founder, diabetes camps as a counselor, JDRF/ADA Walks as a team captain, Type One run as the Miami leader, and so much more. My disease has taught me how to educate others, spread awareness, and how to take care of my body. It’s taught me strength and has motivated me to live a healthier life. I would not be who I am today without it.
Lissie Poyner